Lyrics of remind me dear lord
Lyrics of remind me dear lord

lyrics of remind me dear lord

If you want to listen to other gospel songs then visit us at or you may also leave your comments below for country artists, songs, and the legends that you would like us to feature. The song was covered by Alison Krauss and the Cox Family and Terry Blackwood. Please be reminded, no matter how busy we are and how much more blessings we receive, that we must talk to the Lord and give thanks. But there are times we forget to thank the Lord. We are humans who are taking all the blessings from up above. Just remember I’m a human and human’s forget Roll back the curtain of memory now and then A melody then started to pop and began writing the song. There are 60 lyrics related to Remind Me, Dear Lord. Choose one of the browsed Remind Me, Dear Lord lyrics, get the lyrics and watch the video. Rambo is just a human and tends to forget things, but when the lord do good things, just roll out the curtain and be reminded. Browse for Remind Me, Dear Lord song lyrics by entered search phrase. When they’re on their way home, Rambo talked to the Lord again, thanking him for the blessings. Benson was surprised because that’s all there is that he can offer. Without a doubt, she asked for a pencil and signed the contract. She was not interested in anything else besides the thirteen cents and she saw it. Rambo immediately looked for the thirteen on the contract. Song Lyrics - Remind me, remind me dear Lord All the things that I love and hold dear to my heart Are just borrowed theyre not mine at all Jesus only let. Moreover, they arrived and reviewed the contract. If it’s thirteen cents then that’s the sign. Furthermore, the sign is about the amount of hundred dollars or thirteen cents. As they travel, Rambo quietly praying regarding the contract. Eager but doubtful, because Rambo and her family didn’t know anything about contracts. Benson called about getting Rambo as a writer and her family to sing for him. At that time, Lord clearly showed Rambo which way to go with her career.ĭottie Rambo received a call from a man known to be John T. Interestingly, it helped her acquire a contract as a singer and a songwriter. A touching song that even helped Rambo strengthen her relationship with the Lord. Let’s listen to “Remind Me, Dear Lord”, the hymn that will retell us of the goodness of the highest almighty. With this, we need to break these habits by opening our hearts to his loving reminders. We have habits that if we’re confident and satisfied with the things we have, we tend to forget to thank the Lord.

lyrics of remind me dear lord

One of our weaknesses as humans is our forgetfulness on the blessings, the love, and his care of us.

Lyrics of remind me dear lord